What is Strapify?

Strapify is a script that implements common functionality for the population of websites with Strapi CMS data, abstracting it all away into simple to use HTML data attributes.

Straight out of the box, Strapify provides the following functionality:

  1. Dynamic content - Strapify will automatically populate your website with content from your Strapi CMS.
  2. Sorting, Filtering, and Pagination - Strapify will automatically sort, filter, and paginate your content based on the attributes you specify. Control attributes enable static buttons to be used to sort, filter, and paginate your content.
  3. Images and Videos - Strapify makes it easy to render images and videos from your Strapi CMS.
  4. Rich Text Rendering - Strapify makes it easy to render rich text content from your Strapi CMS.
  5. Form Submissions - Strapify integrates with the Strapi EZForms plugin, allowing you to easily submit forms to your Strapi CMS.
  6. Authentication - Basic authentication is supported out of the box, allowing you to restrict access to your content based on user roles.
  7. JavaScript Hooks - Strapify emits a number of JavaScript events that allow you to easily extend its functionality. Strapify attributes can be modified at runtime to dynamically change the content that is rendered.
  8. CSS Modifiers - Strapify provides a number of CSS modifiers that allow you to easily style your collection's entries depending on it's content.

The goal of the Strapify project is to enable the integration of a free open source CMS (Strapi) into an otherwise static website, without requiring additional code or otherwise complicating the development process. To this end, we seek compatibility and convenience for both manually built sites and those built with no-code website builders.

Please note that Strapify is not affiliated with Strapi in any way. Strapify is a separate open-source project that aims to make it easier to integrate Strapi into your website.